Fresh Knight MINT Braces Wax 10 Cases with 5 Pre-Cut Wax Strips Each(Total 50 Strips) Plus FREE Master Storage Case. The best dental wax now comes in a light MINT scent to provide comfort from orthodontic and dental appliances. Prevent cuts and injuries from brace brackets! Fresh Knight wax for braces and aligners has been scientifically crafted to ensure the wax is easy to cut and mold but sturdy enough to stay in place once place over area of discomfort. Other traditional waxes are soft, which might make them easy to use, yet you end up swallowing the wax before you notice any comforting benefits! Fresh Knight offers the best of both worlds: a sturdy wax that holds up throughout the day, but is easy to apply! Simply warm the wax between your hands for a few seconds to soften before application. -Clear Wax Blends invisibly Into Your Mouth -Completely Tasteless but with a light MINT scent -Easy to Apply -Certified Food-Grade These braces wax strips come in an easy-to-open case that is small and practical to carry around. The master case contains 10 small cases so you can always carry one with you in case you need to re-apply. Suggested Use: 1. Pinch off desired amount 2. Warm and mold the ortho wax between your fingers to make the wax more supple and easier to apply 3. Stick on area causing discomfort. Fresh Knight Dental Mint Wax: Comfort You Can Trust!